Senior Recital and Scholarships
A special recital and banquet that honors graduating seniors who have participated in Certificate of Merit evaluations. The recital is open to all CM seniors Level 7 and above to perform. Invitations and applications will be sent by mail to teachers with eligible students. Teachers: Students applications for the senior medallion are done automatically if the student is eligible.
Monetary awards are given to seniors who receive the state medallion and perform at the Senior Recital. These students must have successfully completed all areas of CM for 3 out of 4 high school years, including the senior year, and have completed Level 7.
Seniors who have passed CM this year and met the requirements for the senior medallion will be invited to the recital and reception.
Due to the ongoing health concerns, this event has been cancelled, we are looking into alternatives to honor these students.
Senior Scholarships: Individual scholarships to seniors who have been accepted as music majors at a 2 or 4 year college, university, or conservatory. Double majors will not be considered. Recipients must have successfully participated in CM in their senior year, achieving Level 9 or above for piano/instrumental and Level 6 for voice. See below for the scholarship application.
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To Apply: Invitations and applications will be sent by mail to teachers with eligible students. Click the link below to download the application
Senior Medallion Requirements: Open to all Certificate of Merit seniors Level 7 and above.
Scholarship Requirements: For students intending to major in Music.