Bach Festival
Branch recitals are held annually to encourage and study the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Outstanding students are chosen to perform in the Southern California Junior Bach Festival. The recitals are open to keyboard, instrumental and vocal students. This festival is adjudicated.
CONTINUING IN 2021 : Each teacher will be asked to pay a $10 teacher fee to access the scjbf.org student registration system. This money will be used to defray costs for the maintenance of the website. EXCEPTION: Those teachers who registered and paid in 2020.
CONTINUING IN 2021: Selections from the Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook, Anhang #113-132. Students who wish to participate in the branch festival and receive comments only.
ONLINE REGISTRATION OPENS: Tuesday, December 1, 2020
BRANCH APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, February 5, 2021 (postmark)
OC BRANCH FESTIVAL: March 20, 2021
LOCATION: Fields Pianos, 810 Dyer Road, Santa Ana, CA 92705
FORMAT: Closed Live auditions. Only socially distanced, in person judges, the festival chair and teacher workers/helpers and one student performer at a time will be allowed in the Recital Hall. Subsequent students will wait outside in their cars and be texted to enter the venue at their time. Masks are required upon entering and during their performance. Disinfecting door handles, restrooms, music stands, keyboard and chairs will be required. The Orange County Branch will follow the local and state guidelines at the time of the festival. Students may be disqualified from performing if they or anyone in their family do not adhere to these guidelines.
Additional details forthcoming
Audition: Fall 2021
Awards Recital: Fall 2021
SCJBF Master Classes – Keyboards and Strings: Fall 2021
All-Branch Regional Winds/Voice Festival, Date and location TBD.
Emily An, chair. Check scjbf.org for updates under Special Announcement.
All-Branch Regional Strings Festival, Date and Location TBD.
Cheryl Scheidemantle, chair. Check scjbf.org for updates under Special Announcement.
Regional Organ Festival, Date and Location TBD.
Sylvia Barton, chair. American Guild of Organists that are NOT members of MTAC can participate in the SCJBF Festival. Check scjbf.org for updates.
Please check “Event Schedule” for updates.
Susan Bana, Chair
e: [ email ]
t: 714-974-9492
View Upcoming Calendar
Sat03May2025Grace Presbyterian Church
Regional Keyboard Festival - Grace Presbyterian Church (23101 La Palma Ave. Yorba Linda, 92887)
Click here to register.
Student: $35
Teacher Non-Involvement: $30 * SEPARATE CHECK
Mail to: Susan Bana, 2804 N. Kingsgate Dr., Orange, CA 92867
Deadline: Friday, February 5, 2021 (postmark)
* Checks payable to MTAC Orange County Branch (memo: Bach Festival)
* From teacher’s checking account (not parents’)
* Include a copy of the registration report